Saturday, December 21, 2013

I am tired, and it is late, and I miss you. This is the longest time we've spent apart since we moved in together, and we still have another week to go. Some space is what we needed. I am feeling how much I love you, how much I ache for your presence when you're away. I think it's important sometimes to take a step back and take a look at the situation. When you're always together it can be easy to take advantage of the fact. I miss your stupid face.

Tonight I was driving into the city with Mom and we were talking about you. Talking about you always makes me feel lucky to have you. We have something wonderful. I am ridiculously lucky to have you.

Part of me is disappointed that we won't be able to spend our second Christmas together, but at least we had our first. I can only hope we will have many more to spend together.